Normalization allows you to fit and teach in all weather conditions. Learn how wind, weather, and altitude affect your ball flight in this TrackMan webinar.
The Normalization feature available in the TPS software and iOS app allows the user to see what the ball flight would have been under calm conditions. Also, adjust temperature and altitude to see how that affects distance and trajectory. To find a TrackMan near you visit the TrackMan Locator. Use the following time codes to skip to the section of your choice:
2:18 – Introduction to the Normalization Feature
- What does normalize mean?
- What is the expected state?
- The components of a trajectory
6:40 – Fundamentals of Normalization
- How does it work?
- Assumptions
12:00 – Examples Using Normalization
- Altitude’s effect on ball flight
- Temperature’s effect on ball flight
- How does altitude affect distance throughout the bag?
27:57 – Beyond Normalization
- A look at how wind affects ball flight
- Comparing a headwind and tailwind
- Adjusting trajectory into a headwind
38:50 – Q&A portion with audience